


作者:海洋学院 编辑:海洋学院 来源:海洋学院 时间:2022-05-16 点击数:








(1)Peng C.,Wu H.,Wang X.,Zhu Q.,Jefferson T.,Wang C.,Xu Y.,Li J.,Huang H.,Chen M., Huang H.*,Abundance and residency dynamics of the Indo-pacific humpback dolphin, Sousa chinensis in the Dafengjiang River Estuary, China, Marine Mammal Science, 2019,DOI: 10.1111/mms.12663

(2) Gong B., Huang H., Peng C., Wang J., Ma J., Liu X., Ouyang S., Huang S.,Wu H.*,The microbiomic and environmental analysis of sediments in the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) habitat in the Northern Beibu Gulf, China. Environmental Scienceand Pollution Research, 2018,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-3976-9.

(3) Huang S., Peng C., Chen M., Wang X., Jefferson T., Xu Y., Yu X., Lao Y., Li J., Huang H.,Wu H.*,Habitat configuration for an obligate shallow‐water delphinid: The Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphin, Sousa chinensis, in the Beibu Gulf (Gulf of Tonkin). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3000

(4)Wu H., Xu Y.,Peng C., Liao Y., Wang X.,Jefferson T., Huang H.,Huang S.*. Long-term habitat loss in a lightly-disturbed population of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, Sousa chinensis. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst. 2017,27:1198-1208

(5)Wu H.,Jefferson T., Peng C., Liao Y., Huang H., Lin M., ChenZ.,Liu M.,Zhang J., Li S.,Wang D.,Xu Y.*,Huang S.*, Distribution and Habitat Characteristics of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin(Sousa chinensis) in the northern Beibu Gulf, China, Aquatic Mammals, 2017, 43(2):219-228

(6) Wang X., Wu F., Dai Y., Zhu Q.,Wu H.*, Peng C.,Xu Y.,Encounters with Indo-pacific Humpback Dolphin(Sousa chinensis) Carrying Dead Calves in Sanniang Bay, Gangxi Province, China, Aquatic Mammals, 2016, 43(1): 33-39

(7) Cheng Z.,Wang D.,Wu H.,Huang S., Pine M., Peng C., Wang K.*, Stereotyped whistles may be first evidence to suggest the possibility of signature whistles in and injured Indo-pacific humpback dolphin(Sousa chinensis),Mammals, Aquatic Mammals, 2017, 43(2):185-192

(8) Wang Z., Au Whitlow W., Rendell L., Wang K.,Wu H., Wu Y., Liu J., Duan G., Cao H.,Wang D.*, Apparent source levels and active communication space of whistles of free-ranging Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in the Pearl River Estuary and Beibu Gulf, China, 2016, PeerJ 4:e1695, DOI 10.7717/peerj.1695

(9) Li S.*,Wu H.,Xu Y.,Peng C., Fang L., Lin M., Xing L., Zhang P., Mid- to high-frequency noise from high-speed boats and its otential impacts on humpback dolphins, journal of the acoustical society of america, 2015,138(2): 942-952

(10)Wu H., Hao Y.*, Li X., Zhao Q., Chen D.,Kuang X., Kou Z., Yu X., Xian Y., Feng K., Gong W.,Wang D.*, B-Mode ultrasonographic evaluation of the testis in relation to serum testosterone concentration in male Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) during the breeding season., Theriogenology, 2010,73, 383-391

(11)Wu H., Hao Y.*, Yu X., Xian Y., Zhao Q., Chen D.,Kuang X., Kou Z., Feng K., Gong W.,Wang D.*. Variation of sexual behaviors in a group captive male Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis): Motivated by physiological changes? 2010,Theriogenology,74,1467-14

(12) Hao Y., Zhao Q.,Wu H., Chen D., Gong C., Li L., Wang D. Physiological responses to capture and handling of free-ranging male Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis). 2009, Marine and freshwater behavior and physiology, 42, 315-327.

(13)彭重威,吴海萍*,许尤厚,张晨晓,赵爽,张栋,广西钦州三娘湾中华白海豚观光游存在问题及发展对策,旅游纵览,2014,9:239 ~ 241

(14)彭重威,吴海萍,王先艳,张晨晓,张强,许尤厚,广西钦州三娘湾中华白海豚观光游现状调查及分析,钦州学院学报,2014,29(8):11 ~ 15

(15)吴海萍,张垒,陈婧,陈文华,杨建明,柯文山.湖北钉螺交配行为及方式的观察.中国血吸虫病防治杂志, 2006, 18(5):354-357.

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